Call for Artists
Autumn Alchemy
Fall 2024 – Exhibition of Fine Art and Photography
November 2 -30, 2024
Dublin Recreation Center, 5600 Post Rd, Dublin, OH 43017
Jurors: Evangelia Philippidis and Rebecca Cummings &Rod McIntyre
Show Chairs: Neha Dadhich and Stephanie Saroiberry
Entry Deadline SUNDAY, OCTOBER 27TH, 2024
Art Drop Off Saturday, Nov 2, 9 – 10:30 am
Art and Photography Titles Limited to 33 Characters
Bring your own labels. Click here for template.
Fall Show Reception & Award Ceremony
on Sunday, November 17th, 2 – 4 PM
in the Talla Room 3
Art Pick up Saturday, Nov 30th, 9-10:30 am

Eligibility: All current members of Dublin Area Art League may enter up to two pieces. Membership for the year must be paid in advance.
Two Categories: Fine Art and Photography/Digital Art. Each artist can enter two works total, in the same category or one piece in each category. Photography and Digital entries will be hung in a grouping on the wall across from the Abbey Theater.
Fine Art: original work of art in a two-dimensional or three-dimensional format created in any art medium type (pencil, ink, acrylic, oil, glass, charcoal, pastel, watercolor, encaustics, clay, paper, wood, etc.).
Photography: Images captured by either an analog or digital camera, photograms, or other experimental photography. The photograph should be the dominant feature of the artwork.
Digital Art: Artwork created digitally including images that are heavily collaged or manipulated to produce a new image using digital tools. This includes illustrations created digitally. AI created images are not accepted.
Entry fee: $15.00 for one, $20.00 for two pieces
**New Upper Weight Limit for framed art and photography as well as hanging wall sculpture is being implemented for this show. To protect our art screens and hanging cables, we are setting maximum weights as well as maximum dimensions of 24” x 24”. If the work is heavy, (8 or more lbs.,) we recommend using two hooks on the screens and two hooks on side by side cables. The absolute maximum weight allowed would be 12 lbs. – but ONLY, if it is at least 18” wide in order to spread that weight between two hanging hooks.
Best of Show $150 includes both categories combined.
- Fine Art 1st $100
- Fine Art 2nd $75
- Fine Art 3rd $50
- Fine Art Honorable Mention $25
- Fine Art Honorable Mention $25
- Photography/Digital Art 1st $100
- Photography/Digital Art 2nd $75
- Photography/Digital Art 3rd $50
- no Honorable Mention for Photography/Digital Art
The Rules:
- Two Entries total allowed per member. Both pieces can be in the same category or one piece in each category.
- All artwork must be original work of the member and not previously exhibited in a DAAL Show. Work must have been completed within the last 5 years. Not For Sale works are acceptable.
- Titles limited to 33 characters.
- Labels: Instructions: Download the Word document. Open on your device to edit. Double click on a word and replace by typing your information. To undo: CTRL+Z. Please use font Calibri size 16, centered.
- Size limitation: work shall measure no longer than 24 inches (including the frame) on the longest side.
- Artworks must be wired for hanging. “Sawtooth” hangers are not accepted. If art is not framed, edges must be finished. Paintings must be dry to the touch.
- 3D work must be suitable to hang on a screen. No pedestals will be available.
- The absolute maximum weight allowed would be 12 lbs. – but ONLY, if it is at least 18” wide in order to spread that weight between two hanging hooks.
- No nudes or disturbing images can be displayed at the Dublin Recreation Center.
- All sales are between the artists and the buyer. No commissions will be taken.
Release of Liability: Artists will be asked to sign an Assumption of Risk and Liability Form when art is dropped off. This is a requirement of the Dublin Area Recreation Center.
Important Show Dates:
Sunday, Oct 27th |
Deadline to Submit Entry Form & Label Information for Art |
Saturday, Nov 2nd | Drop Off Art at Dublin Recreation Center between 9:00 and 10:30 A.M.
Bring your own labels. Click here for template and follow instruction at the top of the document. |
Sunday, Nov 17th | Reception & Awards Ceremony 2-4 P.M. at the Dublin Rec Center |
Saturday, Nov 30th | Pick Up Art at Dublin Recreation Center between 9:00 and 10:30 A.M. |
Volunteers Needed
Click here to sign up to help with the Fall Show
Entry Form
Instructions: Complete Entry Form below with tag Information.
After submitting, you’ll get an automatic confirmation email. If you don’t see it, check your junk folder. No email = please resubmit, something went wrong.
Reminder: There are size limitations. Work shall measure no longer than 24 inches (including the frame) on the longest side.
Submission Closed