This is the time of the year when current members are asked to pay their dues and the best time for new members to join – though when isn’t a good time to join DAAL?
Important: In order to be eligible to sign up for venues at the September 19 meeting, you must have paid your dues by September 1st.
Membership is open to all Central Ohio artists and art supporters age 17 and older with any skill level of ability. Members can choose from four levels of membership: Artist, Patron, Student and Family.
- The membership fee for the Artist Level is still only $20.00 a year and includes all of the benefits.
- Patron Level fee is $15.00 a year and allows all of the benefits except Patron Level members may not participate in member exhibitions.
- The Student Level for high school students age 17+ is $10.00 a year and has the same benefits as the Patron Level.
- The Family Membership level is for artists living at the same address at only $25.00 a year.
New Members
To Join Click Here
Current Members
To Renew Click Here