Short Bio: My art is a poetic message of the importance of universal love. I love to paint with vibrant colors.
Art Interest: Painting
Full Bio:
The purpose of my art is to purport and present the importance of relationships to us, humans. My inspiration is “immortal relationship” – we are deeply connected to other human beings, nature and animals. The interconnecting relationships are the basis of human life; they shape our society. Preserving and understanding these relationships is essential to us, and my art is just an effort in this direction.
My art is a poetic message of the importance of universal love. My style is in between expressionism and Surrealism. I mainly use pure and bright colors which infuse simplicity and accuracy in my paintings. With vibrant tones of colors, I express the sentiments, feelings and behavior of the characters more efficiently.
I have done master’s in visual arts and completed my PhD thesis in Folk Arts. I moved to USA 5 years ago.